That was our first day at school in Paderborn. We met many students from Spain, France and Germany. We were divided into international groups and we had tasks to do: we had to ask people who work in school about their names, job etc. We were on two lessons : Economy and German. On the German lesson we played a game of German grammar. Later, we had a meeting with the mayor of Paderborn. He was talking about the history and attractions of Paderborn. That day was very interesting. I'd like to visit Paderborn again.
Zuzanna (Polish)
Monday, I woke up at 6am. Then I got dressed and ate with Paula, my guest student. We left home at 7am and her mom drove us to the bus station. Then we took the bus which drove us to school. We went in the first classes of Paula at 8am, it was an English lesson but we stayed here only 10 minutes because we had to go in the forum of the school with the other Erasmus students. Next, we all went to a classroom where teachers introduced themselves to the students and we did some ice-breaking games. In the 1st time we had to find our team partners and the to ask some general questions to our partners’ team. Next we had time in classroom with German students. I attended to 2 lessons : mathematics and economics. After it we ate lunch and went to the town hall. We entered inside, did a picture with all the students and teachers and then and then the Paderborn’s mayor presented to us the city. I learnt that Paderborn is a city renowned for its universities. Next we had to do the rallye in the city but the weather was so bad that we went in a coffee and were looking for the answers on the internet. Around 4pm we came back to the town hall to say goodbye to students and teachers and then we take the bus to come home. When we arrived, we are and next did our homework. After it, I took a shower and went sleeping at approximately 10p
Canelle (French)
I woke up at 6:15 and I had a shower. Then I Had breakfast with Iñigo and Jakob’s family and we went to the bus station to take the bus to go from Elsen to the School.
We went first to a class to meet all the partners and we were divided in groups and we did ice breaking games. After that my group went to the History class, but as it was in German, I couldn’t understand anything. But luckily the teacher went out and we could speak. Then we went to the English class and the teacher explained to all the class the Erasmus + project.
After the school the Spanish people went by bus to the McDonald’s restaurant. I ordered chicken McNugets and a McFlurry, I really enjoy this meal because I was very hungry. But as we haven’t got much time to eat, in the way of the Town Hall I ate the ice cream.
When we finally went to the Town Hall, the major gave us the welcome to Paderborn, and he explained everything about Paderborn with the help of the translation of the German teacher.
After all the people were gone, I talked with Begoña and Iñigo and later we went home by bus with Jakob.
Jaime (Spanish)