After waking up, we went for breakfast with our teachers. At school, after reaching the place of our meetings, we watched a video of one of the groups showing tongue twisters and interviews with teachers and students, then we dispersed in our groups to make a presentation about specific days from the exchange. After presenting the presentation and playing kahoot that we prepared earlier, new groups were shown, in which we prepared another project for younger classes, explaining what Erasmus + is and our feelings from the trip. After lunch we talked with the children and after free time with other students from the program, we had a meeting with the host families where we had the opportunity to eat various Spanish dishes and snacks. At the end of the day we packed our suitcases (it wasn’t easy ) and went to sleep. It was a very interesting day !
Ola (Poland)
When we woke up, we went for breakfast with our teachers. After we watched the video of group 3, they had prepared interwievs with teachers and students. After presenting the presentention we played in kahoots which had prepared by students. Kahoots were about our cultural differences, music and artists. They were very interesting and we have a lot of fun doing this. Then we worked in new groups and we made presentation about our feelings from the each day of trip and we explained what is Erasmus+. Afterwards there was a lunch and when we ate we started showing our presentations to the children from primary class. They were very interested about our countries and they asked a lot of interesting questions. Next we had a meeting with the host families where we have the opportunity to try delicious Spanish food. I found out that I love Spanish food . At the end of the day we packed our suitcases, it was veryyyy difficult .
Aleksandra (Poland)
On this day we went in our groups and made a canva about our reflection of this trip. Later on we made a Kahoot about our topics and played them with all international groups. In the afternoon we made a presentation for elementary schooler about the trip and overall about the Erasmus project.
Patrick (Germany)