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The Project

“Europe’s Eyes – Inspiration, Innovation, Integration” is an Erasmus+-project which started in September 2019 and will last for two years. The countries involved are Poland, Spain, Germany and France. It is a project that is financed by the EU and which supports international exchanges between students and teachers. It aims at awakening the students' feeling of being European citizens and to help them to gain an understanding of the importance of a common shared European cultural heritage and to give them the idea of belonging together. What do German, French, Polish and Spanish people have in common? What aspects of our life do we all share without even knowing it? What can the participants gain from jumping on board the Erasmus+ train?

We intend that our students overcome prejudices. We wish them to understand that despite differences they all belong to the same European community and should see their differences as an asset rather than an obstacle.

The objectives we want to reach in particular are improving the foreign language skills, enhancing the ability to use ICT tools and deepening the cultural competences.
Furthermore, the students investigate the following topics:
1. Europe past and present - What does Europe mean to you? - Europe in our everyday lives
2. Our shared European cultural heritage (through poetry / art / dance / music / architecture / customs/ food)
3. IT and social networks in students' lives, Internet safety, how to become a responsible and
competent user of digital media

4. Protection of the environment in Europe - renewable energies, sustainability (i.e. use of plastics), fighting climate change

In total, there will be four short-term exchanges with students, during which one country hosts the other three partners at the same time. Each country takes eight students and two teachers on each travel and travels to each country once. In order to get a deep insight into the other culture, all students and teachers are hosted in guest-families. During the exchange week students work in international teams on the different topics in order to find out about the differences and similarities accordingly. They attend classes and get to know the school life of the hosting country. Furthermore, they visit local companies which provide a practice-oriented perspective on the respective topics. Each exchange includes the visit of either a regional cultural sight or any other cultural event, what gives the students an insight into the cultural heritage of the visited country.

The products of each travel, diary entries and reflections are posted on this website as well as pictures and videos of each travel. So please, have a look and be part of this great adventure.

Foto Rathaus-Nov_2019.JPG

(Town Hall of Paderborn, November 2019)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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