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17 November 2019

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

It was a calm day like a good sunday by me, with the only difference: I was with German people! I slept a lot because on saturday we was in Kôln and we did 7h in the train so we came back home late. But that was a really good day and the city was really beautiful. Then we had breakfast all together ( hear it's bread with jam and eggs) and we spoke a lot during 2h. In my family they are 6, parents, Stephi and Willy, and 4 children, Lara (my correspondant) who's 19 und Luka who's 17. He's really not sociable and he spend his time between his bedroom and the front door to smoke. And I saw him for the first time on sunday whereas I was in Germany since Friday! There is after Kira who's 15 and really nice and finally Malone who's 11. Next, we went to buy something and gasoline and we cooked pizza with Lara which were delicious! (but their pizza were only composed of tomato sauce and cheese, really strange...) And we ate while discuting. I think I'm really lucky to speak good German because I can understand almost all the discussion and debate with them and I'm really integrated. Then, I played monopoly with Lara and her sister during 2h and I won! That was my first time I played at this game and I won! I was so rich and I had almost all the street! They finished with a lot of credit and me with a lot of bank notes! To conclude I learnt a little, because we have many exams when we come back to France, I read and I played Mariokart with Kira. I ate a little bit but her family eat only bread and cheese or ham the evening so I didn't eat a lot and I went to sleep.

Orlane (French)


Waking up...more or less.

This morning, I woke up at 8 o’clock, but I had to wake up at 7 o’ I dressed up and took breakfast very fast.

At half past eight, Elke,one of the teachers arrived at the house 20 minutes before because one of the two French guys that are staying in her house with her and her family during this project was taking a shower.

Elke took me to her house to pick up the two French guys. We had to be at the train station at 9 pass 6 and there were 9 pass two more or less so she drove very fast.

Finally we arrived to the train station at 9 pass 6 and we took the train.

The train .

At the train, I met my friends and we were talking all the way. The journey was about 2 hours long so I also tried to sleep a little bit...unable to achieve.

Then some of my friends went with french guys and talked with them...I didn't go because I was still asleep.

Zeche Zollverein.

When we arrived at Zeche Zollverein which is a coal mine that was close on the 30 of June of 1993. We waited to the guide 15 minutes more or less. When she arrived we started with the tour, first we went up stairs to the rooftop (We climbed more than 100 hundreds of stairs!)

Then, after we took a breath we continued with the tour...we saw all the mine and the guide explained us what each machine was used for…

It was very interesting.

Christmas market.

When we left the coal mine we took a train to go to the Christmas market...but unfortunately we only were there like 20 minutes. But we took some funny photos!

Back to Paderborn.

At 3:20 more or less we took a train to Paderborn. At the train me and my friends were talking,singing and laughing with the French guys.

It was so funny!

Italian restaurant.

Finally, the family that I'm staying with took me to an Italian restaurant because they knew that my favourite food is pasta…

At the restaurant I ordered a lasagne which was so good...I love it!


Maite (Spanish)


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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