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27 November 2021

Writer's picture: The writer's cornerThe writer's corner

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

Today has been family day, during the morning some of us have gone shopping while others have been getting to know the family better. The afternoon activities have been varied in the different families. Going to the spa, playing at home, going shopping or getting together to play bowling have been the different activities. It has been a perfect day to get to know the family and get to know more about the culture and habits.

Uxue (Spanish)


We spent this day together: me, Juliette, Oliwia and Maellys. In the morning we went to

Maellys’ mom's house. Then we had breakfast and watched a movie. In the afternoon we went to a football match. The team we supported - Coimere - won 3:0. When we got home we played chess and ate pizza. We watched Rick & Morty just before going to bed. This day was very exciting and attractive. 

Aleksandra (Poland)

Today's Saturday, which means I had all day to spend with my host family. I could sleep as

long as I wanted since me and Cléa didn't have to go to school. After I woke up, Cléa taught

me how to do macrame. We spent our morning with lots of talk and got to know each other

better. After that we went to the stables because of her horse riding lessons and then we

came back home to warm ourselves a bit. Then we went to see her brother's handball match

and we rooted for him all along. Although his team lost, we had so much fun! When we came

back, we needed to prepare the house for the party! The family invited their friends to

celebrate the match. They taught me their traditional party dance and I showed them a few

Polish songs. We all went to bed late! 

Kinga (Poland)

Today I woke up at 10:30am, had breakfast and got ready. Around midday we left to pick up Anna and Romane and drove to Canelles home where Marie and Clara lives. For lunch we made Raclette with Canelles family, which was really good by the way, and for desert Anna and Romane made chocoLiLlate cake. Afterwards we played Monopoly which Canelle bought when she was in Germany two years ago, played kicker and went on a little walk with Canelles dog. For dinner we went to McDanalds and after that we played laser tech where I wasn´t really good at but it was fun anyway.

To sum up, I had a great day I got to spend with my friends and I am very happy and grateful to be here.

Lisanne (Germany)



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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