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Context prior to our participation in the program:

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The Berrio-Otxoa School has made a firm commitment to new technologies, implementing the 1x1 mode (1
device per student) where from kindergarten to high school students become familiar with the Apple (iPads) and Windows (laptops) ecosystems. In addition, multilingualism (Spanish and Basque) is to be promoted with the offer of French as an optional language, and a commitment to reinforcing the teaching of English. Among the actions carried out to reinforce English are: the teaching of the same from one year in pre-school 1 , later in pre-school 2 with the integration of eTwinning projects, increase in weekly English sessions both in the English area itself , as well as in the teaching of subjects in English from primary to secondary: arts and crafts, science, technology, robotics or geography and history.
Teachers and families demand a good use of new technologies and that they are not a substitute for old methods. We want them to be a means to an end and, of course, a powerful pedagogical tool.

Despite the long history of European projects, there is little involvement of teachers when taking part in this type of initiative. However, it is true that the Erasmus+ project  " Europe's Eyes: inspiration, innovation, integration" was a significant boost in this field. Hence, an Erasmus commission was instituted. The Erasmus+ team is mainly made up of teachers from the English department and teachers with experience in European projects. This teaching staff has experience in previous participation in Erasmus, as well as in professional development activities in eTwinning and a greater awareness and openness towards new methodological approaches is expected and, of course, the increase in qualified teachers in English. In the long term, the Colegio Berrio-Otxoa aspires to be certified as a school of reference in terms of student mobility in the
area in which it is located. In general terms, we want to be leaders in language teaching and learning through projects linked to new technologies and for this we see it essential to enrich our methodology by taking other European schools as a reference and expand our network of contacts for future mobility of students and teachers.

Objectives that we pursue with our participation in this program

1.-The main objective is that the Colegio Berrio-Otxoa deepens its European dimension and as a whole is "suitable for Europe".

2.- Another objective is that foreign language teachers or others acquire technological skills and new teaching methods and ideas, through additional training in other European countries.

3.- Consolidate and expand contacts with partners abroad by observing classes at partner institutions abroad to ensure international work at the College.

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